Field Practicum

Dear MSW Graduate Student:

You are about to embark on what is likely for many to be the most memorable part of the MSW program. It is here that you will have the opportunity to apply knowledge, values, and skills learned in the classroom. You will work in the field that enhances your abilities as a Social Work professional. A variety of field work settings that range from family and child welfare to hospitals and school settings are available. You will be supervised by an experienced MSW and further supported by a Faculty Field Liaison who will also be your Field Seminar Instructor.

Although many of you have already had extensive work and life experience, you will now discover new and different perspectives and we hope you will be open to all of them.

The personal self-reflection and time commitment will present challenges on a regular basis. However, you will have the support of your peers, faculty, field instructors, liaison, field director and program chairperson to assist and support you in any reasonable effort to mitigate barriers to success.

We look forward to working with each of you in your successful achievements in the field.