Performance Management

Performance management is the systematic process by which the University involves its employees, as individuals and members of a group, in improving organizational effectiveness in the accomplishment of the University's mission and goals

Employee performance management includes:

1.Setting Goals, Objectives and Expectations

Goal setting is a proved way to help an organization to accomplish its mission. Objectives are bridge between the mission and any goals that are developed either university-wide or in a department. A goal must be SMART to be a genuine goal: That is, it must be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-trackable. Without those criteria, a goal is simply a wish, dream, of desire that is unlikely to be realized.

PDF Icon Writing Smart Goals

PDF Icon Goal Setting Worksheet

2.Coaching and Feedback

Performance Coaching and Feedback is a process by which the supervisor or coach provides effective and constructive feedback on the employee's performance of learned skills. Effective performance is reinforced and less-than-desirable performance is worked on to improve. Feedback should be information that highlights strengths, positive behavior and a means for skills critiquing, encouragement of new learning and the explanation of the relationship between what is expected and what has been accomplished after the work is performed or an action is taken. Feedback can take many forms; it can be informal or formal.

PDF Icon Guide to Coaching and Feedback

PDF Icon Positive Corrective Action Plan

Word Icon Performance Discussion Worksheet

PDF Icon Performance Improvement Counsel

3.Training and Development

Developing in this instance means increasing the capacity to perform through training, giving assignments that introduce new skills or higher levels of responsibility, improving work processes, or other methods. Providing employees with training and developmental opportunities encourages good performance, strengthens job-related skills and competencies, and helps employees keep up with changes in the workplace, such as the introduction of new technology. Carrying out the processes of performance management provides an excellent opportunity for supervisors and employees to identify developmental needs. While planning and monitoring work, deficiencies in performance become evident and should be addressed. Areas for improving good performance also stand out, and action can be taken to help successful employees improve even further.

Career Development

Word Icon eLearning Contract

PDF Icon Individual Career Development Plan form

4.Evaluate Performance

The contributions made by each of us are key to the success of Chicago State University. Performance evaluations play a significant role in integrating organizational assessment, planning, and goal setting with individual performance planning, goal setting, and measurement. They also provide a framework for professional development and recognition of the quality of work provided by individuals and their commitment to the mission and goals of the University. Successful performance management is an ongoing and continuous process involving interactive and open communication between the evaluator and the staff member whose performance is being evaluated.

Ideally, the performance management process continues throughout the year with regular communication and feedback between the evaluator and staff member. Doing so encourages a higher level of performance and ensures compliance with University practices. Written performance evaluation serve as a resource for documenting these communications and as a reference document to guide future performance as the year progresses. In as such, performance evaluations provide:

  • A regular focal point to measure individual progress
  • A mechanism for developing and communicating new goals for the upcoming year
  • An opportunity to motivate achievement of increased performance
  • A framework for communication regarding expectations, performance, and personal development
  • An opportunity for staff to share their own performance and goals for the upcoming year and suggest how they could make improvements through their own work.

One of the best ways to appreciate the purposes of performance evaluation is to look at it from the different viewpoints of the main stakeholders: the employee and the organization. From the employee viewpoint, the purpose of performance appraisal is four-fold:

  1. Tell me what you want me to do
  2. Tell me how well I have done it
  3. Help me improve my performance
  4. Reward/Recognize me for doing well.

PDF Icon Performance Evaluation Overview

Word Icon Administrator and Civil Service Performance Evaluation

PDF Icon Performance Improvement Counsel form

Word Icon Disciplinary Discussion Memo (sample)

PDF Icon 360 Degree Feedback Form

Word Icon Written Reminder Memo (sample)

PDF Icon Disciplinary Discussion Documentation Memo

Word Icon Mid-year Performance Review

5.Reward and Recognition

Recognition and rewards can be formal and informal. Informal recognition, meaning, spontaneous or immediate simple thank you(s) or expressions for a job well done. In fact, most of a company's recognition activity should be informal. It indicates a culture or atmosphere that acknowledges good behavior when it happens. Informal recognition is a critical component in human nature and the social structure it's a major motivator and results in people feeling good about themselves and their achievements. This should be carried over into the workplace, as a sign of respect and acknowledgement. While peer-to-peer recognition is important, supervisor to employee informal recognition is critical to the success of the organization.


PDF Icon Letter of Recognition to personnel file

PDF Icon Thank you note