Accommodation Request

This online content is provided as a resource for the Chicago State University community.  Content is subject to change.  Please contact the Abilities Office to obtain the most current information.


A student with a disability is not required to disclose a disability unless that student is seeking accommodations.  Accommodations are not retroactive and are unable to be applied to issues prior to the establishment of accommodations in the current term.  

To support eligibility for reasonable accommodations as an individual with a disability--covered under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)--a student must disclose a disability and provide documentation that meets the college's guidelines to establish that the student has a physical or mental impairment substantially limiting one or more major life activities. Documentation should substantiate each functional limitation and its nexus to each accommodation request.

The university does not provide assessments for disabilities.  Each student is responsible for obtaining the appropriate testing or evaluation report by referring to the Documentation Criteria on the CSU Abilities Office Policies page.  


Student Application Options 


Housing Accommodations

Step By Step Instructions

  1. Click here if you have not already completed the New Applicant Accommodations Request form
    1. Once the form is completed, check the acknowledgment box and select "submit request"
  2. Submit your Verification of Disability Form and any relevant medical documentation (see documentation guidelines) to the Abilities Office via email or by scheduling an on-campus appointment.
  3. Schedule and complete intake interview with the Assistant Director of Abilities Office SCHEDULE INTAKE INTERVIEW

     4.The Abilities Office will complete a file review and send the student a status email with instructions for next steps (review can take 5-10 business days or more during high volume periods)

     5.The student will progress through the following status phases: 

UNVERIFIED ACTION REQUIRED—documentation has not been received or the documentation has been reviewed and does not meet documentation guidelines.  The student may be referred for external resources (i.e., DRS) at this status.

UNDER REVIEW—The accommodation request has been received.  Disability documentation is on file. 

  • Student completes the intake interview

PENDING--Abilities Office sends one or more of the following documents to student for signatures.

  • Student receives an email via Adobe Sign with the following documents:
    1. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES (requires review, initials and signature)
    2. DOCUMENTATION REVIEW (requires review, and signature)
    3. DOCUMENTATION GUIDELINES (for your records/no signature required)
    4. ACCOMMODATION AGREEMENT (requires review, and signature)
    5. ADDITIONAL POLICIES (as applicable) (requires review, and signature)

IN PROCESS—All “PENDING” documents have been signed by the student and received by AO.

  • The student receives an email with Accommodation Letters (and other documents as applicable)
  • Each letter/document is individually addressed to the course instructor per student’s current schedule.
  • Once the student signs the letter/document, the letter is moved on to the professor for a signature
    1. If the student DOES NOT want a specific professor to receive the letter, the student SHOULD NOT sign that letter. The letter WILL NOT go to the individual professor if the student does not sign.

All documents are sent and signed via Adobe Sign.  Once all signatures have been captured, the student receives an email from Adobe Sign with the final pdf.  Students are highly encouraged to download all final documents and save them for their personal records.

  1. Click here if you have not already completed the Renewing Applicant Accommodations Request form
  2. The Abilities Office will complete a file review and send the student a status email with instructions for the next steps (review can take 5-10 business or more during high volume periods)
  3. The student will progress through the following status phases: 

UNVERIFIED—documentation does not meet documentation guidelines.

  • Student receives an email via Adobe Sign with the following documents:
    • DOCUMENTATION REVIEW (requires review, and signature)
    • DOCUMENTATION GUIDELINES (for your records/no signature required) This document can provide valuable information to you and your health professional when completing updated documentation.

UNDER REVIEW--The accommodation request has been received and reviewed.  Disability documentation is reviewed.

PENDING--Abilities Office sends documents to student for signatures.

  • Student receives an email via Adobe Sign with the following documents:
    1. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES (requires review, initials and signature)
    2. DOCUMENTATION REVIEW (requires review, and signature)
    3. DOCUMENTATION GUIDELINES (for your records/no signature required)
    4. ACCOMMODATION AGREEMENT (requires review, and signature)
    5. ADDITIONAL POLICIES (as applicable) (requires review, and signature)

IN PROCESS--All “PENDING” documents have been signed by student and received by AO.

  • The student receives an email with Accommodation Letters (and other documents as applicable)
  • Each letter/document is individually addressed to the course instructor per student’s current schedule.
  • Once the student signs the letter/document, the letter is moved on to the professor for a signature
    1. If the student DOES NOT want a specific professor to receive the letter, the student SHOULD NOT sign that letter. The letter WILL NOT go to the individual professor if the student does not sign.

All documents are sent and signed via Adobe Sign.  Once all signatures have been captured, the student receives an email from Adobe Sign with the final pdf.  Students are highly encouraged to download all final documents and save them for their personal records.

The student is active for that semester and all documentation has been received.

Chicago State University understands that college students seeking housing accommodations may require adjustments to ensure equal access to the residence facilities. As an institution, we are committed to complying with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Fair Housing Act to provide reasonable accommodations for those with disabilities.

However, please note that housing is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. We encourage you to submit your requests for accommodations as soon as possible to ensure we have adequate time to process your request.

If you require single-room occupancy, please provide appropriate documentation from a licensed healthcare professional outlining your need for the accommodation. We will work with you to identify an appropriate accommodation that meets your needs and complies with our policies.

We are committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and accessible housing environment for all our students, and we look forward to working with you to meet your accommodation needs


  1. Click here if you have not already completed the Housing Accommodations Request form
  2. The Abilities Office will complete a file review and send the student a status email with instructions for the next steps (review can take 5-10 business or more during high volume periods)
  3. The student will progress through the following status phases: 

UNVERIFIED—documentation does not meet documentation guidelines.

  • Student receives an email via Adobe Sign with the following documents:
    1. DOCUMENTATION REVIEW (requires review, and signature)
    2. DOCUMENTATION GUIDELINES (for your records/no signature required) This document can provide valuable information to you and your health professional when completing updated documentation.

UNDER REVIEW--The accommodation request has been received and reviewed.  Disability documentation is reviewed.

PENDING--Abilities Office sends documents to student for signatures.

  • Student receives an email via Adobe Sign with the following documents:
    1. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES (requires review, initials and signature)
    2. DOCUMENTATION REVIEW (requires review, and signature)
    3. DOCUMENTATION GUIDELINES (for your records/no signature required)
    4. ACCOMMODATION AGREEMENT (requires review, and signature)
    5. ADDITIONAL POLICIES (as applicable) (requires review, and signature)

IN PROCESS--All “PENDING” documents have been signed by student and received by AO.

  • The student receives an email with Accommodation Letters (and other documents as applicable)
  • Each letter/document is individually addressed to the course instructor per student’s current schedule.
  • Once the student signs the letter/document, the letter is moved on to the professor for a signature
    1. If the student DOES NOT want a specific professor to receive the letter, the student SHOULD NOT sign that letter. The letter WILL NOT go to the individual professor if the student does not sign.

All documents are sent and signed via Adobe Sign.  Once all signatures have been captured, the student receives an email from Adobe Sign with the final pdf.  Students are highly encouraged to download all final documents and save them for their personal records.

The student is active for that semester and all documentation has been received

Chicago State University recognizes how beneficial ESAs may be for some students in campus housing, which is why we have a process for students to request them as an accommodation.

Part of that process involves providing documentation from a licensed professional with whom you have an established treatment relationship who can speak to your need for the accommodation.

Please be aware that there are some online companies that promise to write a letter on your behalf after a single meeting.   Unfortunately, a single meeting with a person you paid would not constitute appropriate documentation, as the individual is not actually treating you. Furthermore, their letter typically does not provide any information about the impact of a disability or state why an ESA is necessary for you to live on campus.  Documentation should substantiate each functional limitation and its nexus to each accommodation request.

Do not waste your money by using these services!


Updated Health Information, disability documentation, and animal pictures are required for every renewal contract (and upon expiration).


All students must receive approval through the Abilities Office BEFORE bringing an animal into the Residence Hall

Procedures to have an Emotional Support Animal in Campus Housing


  1. A student requesting to keep an Emotional Support Animal in campus housing must make a formal request to the Abilities Office:
  2. The student must submit disability documentation to the Abilities Office.
    1. In order to be considered for approval, there must be a link between the animal and a documented disability.
    2. There must be evidence of an established treatment relationship with an appropriate provider

     3. Please be prepared to submit the following documents prior to approval:

    1. Vaccinations--The animal must be immunized against diseases common to that type of animal. For example, dogs must have current vaccination against rabies and wear a rabies vaccination tag. Local Licensing requirements are followed.
    2. Health--Animals to be housed in campus housing must have an annual clean bill of health from a licensed veterinarian. Documentation can be a vaccination certificate for the animal or a veterinarian’s statement regarding the animal’s health. It is the Owner’s responsibility to clean the animal. Daily grooming and occasional baths (at a vet or a family home) are recommended.
    3. License--The college reserves the right to request documentation showing that the animal has been licensed as required per state/local guidelines.
    4. Photo--a picture of the animal

The following factors, among other factors, may be considered as evidence in determining whether the presence of the animal is reasonable for University On-Campus living for individuals with Emotional Support Animals:

  1. The animal's size for available assigned Housing space (e.g., too large).
  2. The impact of the animal’s presence on another individual’s housing rights (e.g., serious allergies of existing roommate)
  3. The animal’s disposition, behaviors, and evidence of being housebroken or able to live with others in a reasonable manner
  4. Current and appropriate proof of registration
  5. Current and appropriate proof of vaccinations
  6. Whether the animal poses or has posed in the past a direct threat to the individual or others such as aggressive behavior towards or injuring the individual or others; or the animal causes or has caused excessive damage to Housing beyond reasonable wear and tear


Final Steps

The Abilities Office communicates a student's approved accommodation status through the use of letters that are sent via Adobe E-Sign.  The student will be sent a separate letter for each course instructor.  Once the student electronically signs the letter(s), the letter automatically is forwarded to the professor for an electronic signature.  

If you would like to schedule an appointment to meet with someone in the Abilities Office, please call (773) 995-2380 or email