CSU's IS Featured At AKISAN's Annual International Convention
August 7 - 10, 2014
Dr. Margaret King, CSU’s International Studies Coordinator, participated at the 27th Annual International Convention of the Akwa Ibom State Association of Nigeria, USA,
Inc., in Scottsdale, Arizona. As the President of the Chicago Chapter of the Association,
she used her position to market CSU’s International Studies Degree Program. The event
usually attracts international dignitaries from around the globe with large numbers
of political, business and civic leaders from Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.
She Convened and facilitated a highly informative Women Development Forum. The program was so good that the participants did not seem to have enough of it that they asked her to organize a similar conference in Chicago soon. We look forward to organizing one soon. For more information on AKISAN, visit: www.akisan.org.