Dr. Archie Peters

Dr. Archie Peters

Professor of Physics

Contact Information
Phone: (773) 995-3297
Email: jpeter24@csu.edu
Office: SCI-307
B.S., Ohio University
PhD., Northwestern University
Postdoctoral, Drexel University
Hobbies & Interests
Tennis, Soccer

Research Interests

My research focuses on understanding complex and active electronic materials. I am also interested in spin dynamics and spin transport in ferromagnetic semiconductor thin films and heterostructures as well as quantum effects in biological systems. My laboratories are proximal to Prof. Valerie Goss at CSU, and our groups work together to identify and characterize novel materials for quantum science.  To this end, we are working to establish a quantum certificate program to credential students and bring them into the Quantum Institute workforce field, in addition to creating a critical mass at CSU within Quantum Science.  This program will be crafted with input from industry and academia – including collaborators at UChicago and UIC.  The goal of the program will be to give students the skills they need to seek employment in the growing quantum tech sector within Chicago.

Representative Presentations & Publications

  • Peters, J. A., Liu, Z., Michael, C., Kanatzidis, M. G., & Wessels, B. W. (2022). Photoluminescence spectroscopy of excitonic emission in CsPbCl3 perovskite single crystals. Journal of Luminescence, 243, 118661.
  • Sebastian, M., Peters, J. A., Stoumpos, C. C., Im, J., Kostina, S. S., Liu, Z., ... & Wessels, B. W. (2015). Excitonic emissions and above-band-gap luminescence in the single-crystal perovskite semiconductors CsPbB r 3 and CsPbC l 3. Physical Review B, 92(23), 235210.

Representative Grants & Funding

  • CSU to collaboration with UChicago, UIUC, Harvard  - NSF QLCI (Quantum Leap Challenge Institute) Quantum Sensing for Biophysics and Bioengineering (QuBBE): Exploiting quantum coherence and correlations to probe structure, dynamics, and function in vivo.  $2M budgeted to CSU for funds basic science research and workforce development, Q-Certification Program  supporting students and faculty.
  • Connecting Physics and Engineering through a Modernization of the Advanced Laboratory Curriculum (CPE-MALC), NSF-IUSE, $298,727


  • American Physical Society

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